Short-term rentals have long been a controversial topic in Collingwood, and with the rise in popularity of the sharing economy, more and more people are renting their homes on sites like Airbnb.
Aside from bed-and-breakfast establishments, the town’s zoning bylaw says no dwelling can be used for a short-term accommodation. Currently, there are more than 300 listings on websites for short-term rentals in Collingwood. Bylaw officers had 81 calls for service regarding rentals in 2021 and 33 so far in 2022.
The municipality hired a licensing officer last year. Amanda Fone presented a report to the development and operations committee on June 13, which outlined a plan for potential regulations. Starting in July, the municipality will be seeking public comment on short-term rentals.
In her report, Fone outlined several benefits. The rentals help local homeowners earn significant income. Short-term rentals also provide additional accommodations for tourists visiting the area, which could bring in significant dollars to the local economy.
Counc. Kathy Jeffery has argued that some of the homes being used for short-term rentals could be put back into the marketplace and used for housing, including affordable housing.
Once staff have collected public input, they will present a report to council later this year based on their findings. At that time, council will decide how to proceed. This could include staff crafting a short-term-rental bylaw, which then would be presented to the public for comment.